Probate Valuation Kent
Probate Valuation Kent

When you find yourself in need of quick and affordable probate valuation services in Kent and surrounding areas, it is easy to get confused or feel under pressure. In any case, the valuation must always be done by a professional, and within 6 months after a loved one has passed on. The fact that this kind of valuation takes place at a time when you are in emotional anguish, doesn’t make things better.  However, things don’t have to be so gloomy and hard; Manor Clearance is dedicated to helping you get the valuation done as per HMRC guidelines, and do so very fast. In other words, you can always count on us to get the job done according the laws and regulations.

Why Manor Clearance is different;

  • First and foremost, all our surveyors and valuers are registered by the Royal Institution of Certified surveyors. They are professional, accurate, and always guided by the Inheritance Tax Act of 1986. The Act is spells out how a proper probate valuation ought to be done.
  • Secondly, our services are tailored to favour all residents, whether they can afford a full probate valuation or not. For instance, we give free, quick verbal valuations on phone if need be. To accomplish this, you just need to give us a description of the estate, or items therein that need to be valued. Better still, you can send us some photos of the items, to enable our valuers give you their estimation.
  • However, if you are looking for a real probate valuation that you can submit to Inland Revenue so as to get probate, then it has to be a written valuation. This takes about 7 days, and our values will advice you on what is included, and what is exempted from taxation.


Manor Clearance has a courteous and friendly customer care team; feel free to talk to us anytime, and we’ll be glad to be of help.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]