Our last article focuses on the unknown value of items in a home that are sometimes thrown or sold, typical of this scenario are water colour paintings. Very often water colours can be confused with cheap prints when they could be a valuable painting by a known artist. Therefore, it is important to get an expert valuation to ensure you’re not missing out on its hidden value.
Water colour can look like a print but, don’t be fooled, it could be worth a small fortune. Therefore, you should trust our professionals to value your paintings before selling or disposing of them. One of the things we have noticed when clearing homes is people don’t know true value of water colour paintings.
What is the value?
Water colour paintings have dropped significantly in value over the past couple of years. But now they are deemed to be a good investment with anticipated values expected to rise to where they were a few years ago. So, it may be time for you to dig through your belongings and find that diamond in the rough as you never know what it’s true value could be.
‘DON’T THROW THEM AWAY!’. We have gone to many a house clearance job where the owner has already started to clear their home. Our team have retrieved some valuable water colour paintings from their bins and told them not to throw anything else away until we have checked it out to see if it is something of value. This alone highlights the importance of probate valuation when clearing your home.
An example of this is a water colour painting, originally purchased for $32 from a small flea market in Amsterdam, valued at 1 million euros! The hidden gem was discovered to be an original Fernand Leger painting. This astonishing find is one of the many examples of people who own valuable antiques, may not even know their worth!
We can help
So, in conclusion house clearance and probate valuation are very important when clearing your home of its belongings. After all, who would want to miss out on something that is worth a small fortune? Using Manor Clearance guarantees, no stone is left unturned, and everything is accounted for, valued and protected!
If you have a house that needs clearing, either in a probate situation, or you have some items that you want to dispose of, we can help you with accurate valuations for your hidden gems. At Manor Clearance we ensure that no valuable gets missed no matter how big or small.